Monday, May 26, 2014

Civil party attorney appointed

ប្រភពមកពីThe Phnom Penh Post
The Khmer Rouge tribunal yesterday announced the appointment of French attorney Marie Guiraud to replace the outgoing Elisabeth Simonneau-Fort as international civil party lead co-lawyer.
Guiraud, according to the court’s announcement, is a veteran of both the Khmer Rouge tribunal and international law as a whole, having represented civil parties before the tribunal since 2008 and having been active in the fields of criminal law and human rights for 15 years, representing “victims of international crimes before courts in the Ivory Coast and the Democratic Republic of the Congo”.
“In France, Ms. Giraud has represented both defendants and civil parties in all areas of criminal law, including terrorism crimes and transnational crimes,” the announcement reads. “Prior to her litigation career, Ms. Guiraud headed the Globalization and Human Rights Office in the International Federation for Human Rights.”
Guiraud will be stepping into her new role as the tribunal transitions into its next subtrial, Case 002/02. Her appointment comes into effect on June 1.


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